Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do I get a jailbroke 3g iPhone working for my gfs tmobile account?

She has a jailbroke old iPhone now and she is with tmobile. My buddy figured out how to jailbreak his new 3g iPhone. If I buy her a new 3g and have him jailbreak it can she just take the sim card out of her current iPhone and put it in the jailbroke 3g?|||Only if it's running firmware 2.2 with baseband 2.28, (and unlocking is more complicated on the 3G than the original).

But if you buy an iphone now, it'll most likely come with baseband 2.30 which CAN be jailbroken but cannot be unlocked.

Difference between jailbreaking and unlocking:

jailbreak = opening up the iphones OS so it can work with any program even the ones apple doesn't approve of (i.e. mms messaging, backgrounds, etc.)

Unlock = letting the iphone be used with any carrier (like t-mobile)

p.s. it's "jailbroken" and not jailbroke. Jailbroke is a verb(: Sorry but that was really bugging me.|||Yes you can put a T-mobile sim-card on an Iphone but it has to be unlocked not jailbroken.

Unlocking an iphone will void the warranty but will work with any sim-card.

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